Policies and Procedures

Assessment and Rating 2023

  • Click here to see the Ratings Outcomes

  • Click here to see the Final Evidence Summary

NNOOSH Policies and Procedures

NNOOSH operates within a set of policies which are formulated based on industry standards and the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. ACECQA’s guide to the Law and Regs can be found here

In 2024, these policies have been reviewed, as per the National Quality Standards and a draft is available on the website.

At this stage, all policies and procedures are still being reviewed. We will seek parent/community feedback when they are uploaded and completed.

Current Policies and Procedures

The draft policies below were revised in early 2024 and are awaiting ratification by the NNOOSH committee.

Please find the policy on the left, with the accompanying procedure(s) to the right.

Please find the NNOOSH Food Safety Program towards the bottom of the page.

Our privacy statement is here



Please note: procedures are created by NNOOSH for it’s purposes, so there may not be a procedure for each individual policy.

NNOOSH Food Safety Program

North Newtown OOSH (NNOOSH) is an out-of-school-hours child care centre, that caters for children and staff in the morning and afternoons of a school week. The centre provides a breakfast option in the morning, a varying afternoon tea menu at 3pm and a late snack at 5 pm everyday. Cut up fruit is offered in both sessions. Food is served by educators of the service to the children, and to other staff. Drinking water is available from a ‘water fountain’ in the Yellow Room.

This Food Safety Program (FSP) has been developed in consultation with children, families, educators, management, approved provider and relevant food bodies to provide guidelines of the purchasing transporting, receiving, storing, heating, preparing, serving, reheating, cooling and freezing at NNOOSH. The FSP includes how our Service will take steps to ensure non-contamination of foods and the safe preparing and serving of foods. It is expected all children, families, staff, employees, volunteers and visitors are involved in the planning of the FSP. 

Food Safety Program (FSP):

Related Documents:

Food Safety and Nutrition Policy

Signage, Documents, Audits